Other Courses
Flight Review
Whether it be a Visual Aeroplane Flight Review, a PIFR Instrument Aeroplane Flight Review, or one for an overseas licence validation, make it count, do it where it is treated as a valuable training experience to ensure that you are “up to scratch”, and not as a test conducted by a bored Instructor.
We specialise in getting pilots who have not flown for some years back in the air, competently and confidently, for the minimum cost. Why not phone and discuss your requirement with us, and plan a program to suit your requirement?

FIR (Flight Instructor Rating)
Why not greatly enhance job prospects after the CPL by obtaining your Flight Instructor Rating?
Personal one-on-one instruction from a Senior Instructor with varied and lengthy experience of training will give you the edge needed to start your career in this competitive field.
Learn-at-Leisure or full time intensive courses available.
Full time course requires approximately 24 working days, application and hard work, but you won’t know yourself at the conclusion!
Glass Cockpit
We offer Glass Cockpit Training on all types from Garmin to Aspen
For the latest, most advanced glass cockpit training. Specialising in:
- Garmin
- Avidyne
- King
- Aspen
Aircraft owners and students: take your training to the next level. Create that airline experience right in your very own aircraft.
Ground Training (Incl. IREX)
Theory training is available for all courses, and conducted by Flight Instructors, not ground instructors who do not fly and teach the practical application of the material they talk about. Most demand for ground training is for Instrument Training, preparation for IREX and PIFR exams.
PIFR training contains three divisions, PIFR EnRoute, PIFR Departure FPA’s and PIFR Arrival FPA’s. Timetable is four days for PIFR EnRoute lectures, revision and the sitting of the School’s in-house theory examination. One additional day will satisfy the arrival and departure FPA theory and examination requirements.
The IREX examination is set by CASA and in an on-line exam conducted by a company called Assessment Services Pty. Limited (ASL) ( www.aslexam.com ) at sites throughout Australia.
Lectures for the IREX exam include all the subjects for the PIFR Enroute, Arrivals and Departures but expanded to include the CASA syllabus requirements for IREX, incorporating commercial applications. They include various alternate requirements, flight and duty times, expanded instrument and equipment requirements, etc.
IREX training can be done anytime, one-on-one, or you can attend our IREX classes, held monthly. They usually commence on the first Monday of each calendar month and last for six consecutive days, finishing on the Saturday afternoon.
These IREX classes are small (usually 1 or 2 but maximum 4 students) so that we can give you personal attention. You will receive extensive IREX notes and diagrams to retain for future reference. The lectures and this exclusive material has been developed by us to maximise learning, your Instructor is not simply reading a text book to you. Remember, your Instructor is an Instrument Flight Instructor with years of Instrument Flying Training experience.
Additionally you will be given practice IREX exam questions to do as revision prior to sitting the IREX exam.
In addition to meeting CASA’s IREX theory syllabus, your IREX instructor will explain the practical application of the theory, which will not only make your flight training easier, but will help you to remember the theory and answer IREX exam questions. Our lectures are not just theory; they cross into “briefing” territory.
We offer a wide range of other course options. Call us today if you would like more information on any of the below courses:
- Aerobatics
- CPL (Commercial Pilot Licence)
- CSU Variable Pitch Propeller
- Learn to Fly – Private Pilot’s Licence
- Synthetic Trainer (SIM)
Advanced Flying Training is conducted at our Caboolture Facility, for more information and bookings ring CFI Cameron Ross, 0438 862 992.