MEA – About The Course
“The modern aeroplane is one of the safest forms of transport – anyone can learn to fly an aeroplane, but to be a good pilot requires more than manipulative skill. It is also essential to have the ability to make RESPONSIBLE COMMAND DECISIONS, and to appreciate what the aeroplane CAN and CANNOT DO.”
So states Russ Evans, (former Senior Examiner of Airmen, DCA, NSW) in his excellent book “Understanding Light Twin Engine Aeroplanes”. The theory of flying Multi Engined aircraft must be thoroughly understood before any semblance of safety can be achieved, and this is what our Multi Engine Training Course is all about.
Understand the definitions relating to twin flying, all about performance and how some performance data published can be misleading if not fully understood; and of course, understand all about engine failure and flight on one engine.
How is the aircraft balanced, when the ball is off centre? You will learn why in ground training, and then prove it in the air with aerodynamic tell tales!
You will study performance to reach a comprehensive understanding of what your aircraft can and cannot do under any expected conditions.
Your will examine the aircraft systems to achieve an endorsement the like of which you have never experienced before!
Fly our Twin Comanche, equipped with: 2 x VHF COM, HF COM, ILS, MKR, 2 x VOR, ADF, DME, GPS, and Wx RADAR.

Get Your Hands on Some Excitement
This Year, Don’t just try something NEW, Fly something NEW. Ask us how you can fly a New Aircraft at an Old Aircraft Price.
For a little Extra you may like to fly the Diamond DA42 IV with the latest GARMIN G1000 technology.
Advanced Flying Training is conducted at our Caboolture Facility, for more information and bookings ring CFI Cameron Ross, 0438 862 992.